Climate Change at the Arctic's Edge
Northern ecosystems are being transformed by climate change. Join this long-term monitoring effort to explore what these changes mean for the arctic—and the rest of the world.
Churchill is a small town perched on the seacoast within the Hudson Bay Lowlands, North America’s largest wetland. The area’s most famous inhabitants are its some 57,000 beluga whales and 1,000 polar bears; Churchill advertises itself as both the beluga whale and the polar bear capital of the world. However, global climate change is threatening this landscape and the wildlife that resides there. Churchill has warmed approximately two degrees Celsius since record keeping began in the 1880s, resulting in a myriad of ecological changes, such as shrinking polar sea ice, retreating glaciers, and less snowpack that melts earlier, putting Churchill on the front line of climate change.
You’ll measure evidence of global warming near Churchill, and help researchers as they learn all they can about this fragile environment. If you join one of the fall teams, you’ll help measure permafrost and monitor the health of the tree line by examining tree cores, which allow researchers to reconstruct tree life histories (to date, the oldest living tree this team has found dates from 1643).
But to truly experience the power of the North, join a winter team that focuses on assessing snowpack and taking snow samples. You’ll travel between research sites on a sled pulled by a snowmobile and may even get the chance to build an igloo.
For more information or to book contact our office (03) 9016 7590 or email
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 2023 Earthwatch Participant | "Climate Change at the Arctic's Edge"I feel like we hit the jackpot with this Earthwatch. We arrived a day early and got to see beluga whales in the bay. The tundra was way more beautiful than I ever expected. With the exceptional weather we had (unfortunately bad for the subarctic), we got to see the Northern Lights, as well as see a couple of polar bears, and have some evening lectures from other scientists currently at the CNSN studying other aspects of climate change. While the projects and information gained were very sobering, it was also one of the most fascinating trips, both culturally and environmentally, that I have ever been on. |
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 2023 Earthwatch Participant | November 2 "Climate Change at the Arctic's Edge"Under the direction of Dr. LeeAnn Fishback (an extremely passionate, immensely intelligent, very personable scientist) our team hiked the TUNDRA to locate, measure, label, and record tiny seedling growth at G-TREE sites. Our team also labeled depths of permafrost with probes-recording many various numbered plots. Our first Polar Bear sighting was that of a large bear sunning on rocks at Hudson Bay…Sightings of seals, bald eagles, ptarmigan, spruce grouse, mourning dove, geese, ducks, and butterflies. Personal accomplishments: Surviving dorm living in a sequestered compound, contributing effort and information to further the research, meeting great people, and embracing the beauty and tranquility of this great ARCTIC. |
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Nancy Deyo | "Transformational Experience as a Citizen Scientist"The Earthwatch citizen scientist experience is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to live and breathe the life of a scientist. You'll tromp through forests, tundras and ponds with scientists in waist high waders and full mosquito netting helping implement their critical climate change research. Lab work is equally interesting and evening lectures round out the learning to bring additional context to your daily activities. The passion, intelligence and commitment of these young scientists to wildlife and environmental conservation is inspiring and getting to know them was the best part of the experience. I came to this expedition out of a population and poverty background and knew little about climate change, but the learning from this immersion experience convinced me to figure out what I can uniquely do to help advance the cause. I would recommend this expedition to anyone looking for an adventure who wants to make a difference in the future of our planet. |
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Chris Deyo | "Unique opportunity to make positive change"Being surrounded by smart, energetic, passionate people is a unique growing opportunity that can only happen with a program like Earthwatch. We enjoyed the formal interactions in the field, lab, and classroom, as well as the informal interactions that took place during meals and evening downtime. I would highly recommend an Earthwatch expedition to anyone interested in making a positive change in the environment, in the world . . . and in themselves. |
Activity Level: Moderate
Location: Churchill, Manitoba, Canada
Lead Scientist: