How to get Involved
We have various partnership and funding options to help you establish a Tiny Forest or to be involved in the Tiny Forest movement. Get in touch to find out how you can become involved.
Become a Tree Keeper
Interested in becoming a Tree Keeper?
Earthwatch is seeking passionate and engaged local community members to become nature stewards for the environment.
Tree Keepers are volunteers who care, monitor, and learn from Tiny Forests over a two-year period. Volunteering as a Tree Keeper is a fantastic way to get involved in your local community, learn about local biodiversity, and contribute to Citizen Science data. As Tree Keepers, you will become part of a global network of volunteers whose efforts contribute to an international body of research that supports the Tiny Forest program.
Business and Philanthropy
Tiny Forests are your corporate leadership billboard in action against climate change and biodiversity loss. Businesses can address their CSR and ESG requirements and empower employees to connect with nature by becoming a Tiny Forest partner. Earthwatch is uniquely positioned to support businesses with their responses to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). For decades, we’ve worked with well-known companies around the world from a diverse array of sectors to foster environmental leadership and build a more sustainable future.
Benefits include:
- Corporate sustainability
- Scientific data
- Strategy links
- Environmental Action
- Employee engagement
- SDG Alignment
Join the movement and donate to invest in the Tiny Forest program. 6 Tiny Forests will engage and empower 1000 people to protect nature.
We have various partnership and funding options to help you establish a Tiny Forest - Get in touch to find out how you can get involved.
Employee Engagement
Earthwatch's experienced facilitators will take employees on a environmental learning journey, incorporating theoretical learning, in-field activities, and personal action planning.
Your employees will gain an increased understanding of:
- Urban biodiversity and climate issues
- How to improve biodiversity in their local neighbourhood
- The value of trees and their role in climate and biodiversity resilience
A feedback survey will also be distributed to participants, to help understand the benefits of spending time in nature on personal wellbeing, the results of which we can share.
Councils and property developers
Earthwatch is currently building a pipeline of available Tiny Forest sites; and councils and property developers are in the unique position of having that intersection between land and community engagement.
Tiny Forests serve as inspiring outdoor learning classrooms for communities, who will be engaged in the planting, maintaining and ongoing scientific monitoring of the forests, to quantify the benefits they provide. By actively partaking in the success of the forest, communities appreciate the true value of trees and biodiversity, creating stewards for their ongoing conservation.
To understand more about how the program works, and the site requirements, please read our handbook.
An outdoor classroom space is designed within the forest as a space for students to gain skills, knowledge and motivation to take action for biodiversity and climate change. Earthwatch provides facilitated monitoring (data collection) days as part of the program.
Get in touch if you'd like to know more about hosting a Tiny Forest in your school