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Donate to Earthwatch

Your donations help Earthwatch tackle the urgent environmental challenges we face as a global community.

Your support empowers everyday Australians as they work to restore our iconic landscapes, protect our unique wildlife, and save the reef and oceans. It helps connect people, science and nature to amplify and accelerate the action we are taking to keep ahead of climate change and save the natural world.

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How your money helps


Helps produce vital research outcomes and publications that influence global agendas and inform environmental management plans.


Helps provide nature-based practical learning opportunities for teachers, educators and the next generation of environmental leaders.


Helps top scientists and dedicated volunteers working in the field gathering critical information on our natural environment.


Helps produce vital research outcomes and publications that influence global agendas and inform environmental management plans.


Helps provide nature-based practical learning opportunities for teachers, educators and the next generation of environmental leaders.


Helps top scientists and dedicated volunteers working in the field gathering critical information on our natural environment.