Download Announcement Tiny Forest Program
Earthwatch Australia is proud to partner with Carbon Positive Australia for our Tiny Forests program.
Bringing together a mutual drive for nature-based solutions, the organisations will be restoring nature to urban environments across Australia.
“Research published last week shows climate change is a threat to all trees in Australian cities,” says Fiona Sutton Wilson, CEO Earthwatch Australia. “Since 2013, our urban green canopy has shrunk, despite efforts at policy and community levels to reverse this trend.
“Our research published last year shows that urban greening and behaviour change programs are occurring in our local government areas. However, we have not yet returned to our 2013 levels of canopy cover.”
“We need to increase the number of urban forests urgently, to create climate-safe cities which benefit from practical ecosystem services like carbon sequestration, storm water capture and urban cooling.”
“Equally important is increasing native biodiversity in our urban spaces, so that more of us can delight in nature, walking through our local parks and rewilded spaces.”
“Partnering with Carbon Positive Australia enables us to plant native Tiny Forests where they are most needed, for the benefit of nature and community.”
Tiny Forests are a public-private-community cross-sector citizen science initiative that is proving to be highly successful in the UK and Europe, spearheaded by Earthwatch Europe.
Planted on a tennis court-sized parcel of land, these green spaces are 30 times denser and grow about 10 times faster than a traditional forest. The mix of indigenous plants such as ground cover, shrubs and grasses combined with trees provides structural complexity and a complete natural ecosystem.
Bringing together purpose-led volunteering, community wellbeing, and nature-positive action in these outdoor classrooms, Tiny Forests are a highly engaging way to restore and regenerate nature within our urban environments.
Carbon Positive Australia welcomes this initiative for ecologically sensitive planting.
Head of Community and Philanthropy, Pollyanna Darling, says “We’re thrilled to be partnering with Earthwatch on this Tiny Forests project. Greening and cooling urban areas most in need of canopy cover not only improves the environment but also directly improves the health and well-being of people and wildlife by reducing the impacts of extreme heat.
“The citizen science aspect empowers everyone to get involved in taking practical action on climate change –one of our key aims at Carbon Positive Australia.
“We know that together so much more is possible, and this partnership enables native trees to be planted in cities where they’re needed most, benefitting future generations.”
More information about the Tiny Forest program is available at
Earthwatch has planted 149 Tiny Forests in partnership with corporations and community since 2021. Image: Earthwatch Europe |
Planting day at the Brookton Community Gardens (Wheatbelt WA) Miyawaki Forest. Funded by Carbon Positive Australia in collaboration with Dr Grey Coupland and the Harry Butler Institute. |