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Donate to mangroves

Give to the ‘Groves and help save marine ecosystems!

Mangroves and Saltmarsh are among the most valuable and productive ecosystems on earth, and are also the most threatened, disappearing at an alarming rate globally. Will you help us in the fight to conserve these coastal superheroes?

Living at the interface between land and sea, mangrove forests play a crucial role in safeguarding our coastlines, keep our beaches and coral reefs beautiful, provide homes for diverse marine life, and serve as vital carbon sinks, mitigating climate change impacts. However, these invaluable ecosystems are under threat, with significant portions being lost to human pressures and environmental degradation.

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How your donation helps 
Make a tax deductible donation today

Your donation will be used where it's needed most – ensuring that your gift is as impactful as possible. 


Will supply field equipment for community hubs and citizen scientists to undertake shoreline video assessments


Will support a wetlands scientist to analyse 1km of video taken by citizen scientists along a mangrove estuary. We receive 1000s kilometres of footage from communities each year.


Will support the training of a teacher or an Indigenous Land and Sea Ranger to undertake MangroveWatch surveys


Will commission a specialised MangroveWatch kit for a community hub to undertake repeat monitoring of their local mangrove system.


Helps produce vital research outcomes and publications that influence global agendas and inform environmental management plans.


Helps provide nature-based practical learning opportunities for teachers, educators and the next generation of environmental leaders.


Helps top scientists and dedicated volunteers working in the field gathering critical information on our natural environment.

Why are Mangroves in danger?

Mangrove habitat is at the front line of climate change. Despite their importance, between 20%-35% of the world’s mangroves have been destroyed since 1980, with losses continuing at about 0.21% per year, which is higher than tropical forest loss.

Significant portions of mangrove forest are being lost to human pressures and environmental degradation. If we want healthy mangroves in the future, we need to reduce human pressures as much as possible. Whether you know it or not, we all depend on mangroves, and we can all do our part to help. 

We all depend on mangroves!

If clean beaches are important to you, you need to protect mangroves!

Mangroves are coastal kidneys that protect the Great Barrier Reef and keep our beaches clean by trapping and storing up to 80% of sediment and nutrients (fertilizers) from our rivers and streams before it reaches the coast. Coastal habitats such as reefs and seagrass depend on clean water and therefore depend on healthy mangroves. 

Why protect mangroves?

Climate heroes

Mangrove forests sequester up to 4 times more carbon than terrestrial forests and store 5 to 10 times more carbon. The carbon is stored in both the plant and below the ground, trapping carbon away for hundreds of years.

Friends of mangroves

Mangroves provide habitat for a diverse range of marine species, including over 1,500 fish species, six of the world's seven species of marine turtle, and a range of sharks, rays, and dolphins. They are also critical habitats for a range of bird species, including migratory birds, and support many fish and aquatic species. 

Guardians of the coast

Mangroves are essential for water storage, flood prevention, and erosion control, helping to protect coastlines. In tropical northern areas, they serve as a crucial buffer against the intense cyclones and storms that frequently strike the region.

How is Earthwatch making a difference in mangrove conservation?

At Earthwatch, we refuse to stand idly by while mangroves face unprecedented challenges. Through our innovative approach, we educate, activate and empower communities to highlight local mangrove values and identify threats. By doing so, we enable local communities to become champions of mangrove conservation.

Our citizen science approach empowers community mangrove champions to identify and prioritize local mangrove conservation initiatives that are data-driven, community-led, and locally practical.   

Citizen science empowers local management

Citizen scientists have a critical role in mangrove conservation and emissions reduction.

Data collected from our mangrove conservation initiatives has informed national ‘Blue carbon’ investment policy, influenced local government tidal wetland decision-making and assisted local community groups advocate for improved tidal wetland management. We need your support to continue this work.

Influencing policy and science

Through Earthwatch Australia’s Protecting Wetlands for the Future citizen science program, Queensland students and teachers have informed Great Barrier Reef (GBR) tidal wetland protection.

Empowering communities

In partnership with MangroveWatch, our 'Protecting Wetlands For The Future' initiative equips citizen scientists and Indigenous Rangers with the knowledge and resources needed to monitor the condition and health of wetlands and protect these unique ecosystems.

Walking in step with Traditional Owners

Earthwatch works in partnership with Traditional Custodians, Aboriginal Corporations and Indigenous Land and Sea Rangers to support their goals to protect the environment and cultural heritage across Australia.

This video was produced by Bendi Media @BenandDi

How will my donation help support mangroves?

Through your donation, we can provide essential resources, training, and support to communities, students, and conservationists on the front lines of mangrove protection.

From establishing MangroveWatch Community Stewardship hubs to fostering Traditional Knowledge and cultural stewardship practices and engaging in hands-on monitoring and conservation projects, your contribution will make a tangible difference in safeguarding these vital ecosystems.

Your donation is tax-deductible and will be utilized where it is needed most, ensuring that your gift has the greatest possible impact in protecting our natural heritage.

    Mangroves Appeal Donors

    Denise Dent
    $300.00 4 weeks ago
    Chris Muir
    $100.00 4 weeks ago
    $50.00 4 weeks ago
    Richard Carter
    $2,500.00 4 weeks ago
    $51.00 4 weeks ago
    Judith Rawlins
    $250.00 4 weeks ago