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Ways to Fundraise

Ways to Fundraise


Fundraise for the Earth

Challenge yourself to do something amazing, and help raise money to protect our natural world.

Fundraise for endangered species

Earthwatch Australia has partnered with Edge Pledge to help people raise funds for the planet’s endangered species. Edge Pledge is a challenge-based fundraising platform that raises money for species on the brink of extinction.

Help save Australia’s unique wildlife – and push the edge of your comfort zone –by making a pledge to save endangered animals, like the koala, the manta ray, and the swift parrot.

Make your Edge Pledge

Gift an experience

Already got everything you need? Are you stumped looking for a gift for someone who has everything they need? Imagine what the gift of an Earthwatch Expedition could do.

You could even start an Earthwatch Expedition Fund for yourself or someone you care about to raise funds for and participate in scientific research and travel opportunities around the globe.

Creating an Earthwatch Expedition Fund is simple. We’ll help you set up your online fund that you can share with friends and family who can then start donating to this life- and planet-changing gift.

To start your fund, you’ll need an initial $60 contribution. All donations will be non-refundable. You’ll then have three years from when the contributions are made to put your funds toward an Earthwatch Expedition. After that time, the funds revert to Earthwatch as a general donation.

If this sounds like the kind of gift you’d like to give (or receive), click here for set-up details.

Explore Expeditions

Campaigns with our Partners

Brother Earth 

This click-to-donate program run by business machinery giant, Brother, makes a donation to Earthwatch each time you click on the Australia project. You’re allowed one project click a day, so take a second to click each day, and remember to spread the word.

Click for the Earth

Do it your own way

If you have your own ideas or need some advice, we are here for you! Whether you want to host a coffee morning, run a raffle, or you’ve signed up to a sporting challenge, we can help you raise funds for Earthwatch.

Send us a message to tell us what you’d like to do.