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  • Soltani, N.S., Taylor, M.P., Wilson, S.P. International quantification of microplastics in indoor dust: prevalence, exposure and risk assessment. Environmental Pollution.

  • Garcia-Rojas, M.I., Keatley, M.R., Roslan, N. Citizen science and expert opinion working together to understand the impacts of climate change. Plos One.

  • Duke, N.C., Mackenzie, J.R., Canning, A.D., Hutley, L.B., Bourke, A.J., Kovacs, J.M., Cormier, R., Staben, G., Lymburner, L., Ai, E. ENSO-driven extreme oscillations in mean sea level destabilise critical shoreline mangroves—An emerging threat

  • Day, G., Fuller, R.A., Nichols, C., Dean, A.J. Characteristics of immersive citizen science experiences that drive conservation engagement. British Ecological Society.

  • Britton, D. R., & Donnan, K. (2021). Mangroves (Rhizophoraceae) are the principal hosts for'Lymantria (porthetria) Lunata'(Stoll, 1782) (Lepidoptera: Erebidae: Lymantriinae) in Northern Australia. The Australian Entomologist.


  • Senate Submission: Australia's Extinction Crises


  • The future's green heroes - media coverage of our Kids Teaching Kids Conferences in 2022

  • Microplastics are common in homes across 29 countries. New research shows who’s most at risk Co-written by Scott Wilson, Earthwatch Chief Scientist

  • The Wet Tropics Report Card 2022

  • Radio Marinara - How to get involved in 'A Cleaner Coast' beach clean-ups on the Surf Coast. Dr David Bourne, Lead Scientist for 'Recovery of the Great Barrier Reef' public expedition.

  • Protecting Wetlands for the Future: Student Science influences national policy. By Jock Mackenzie, Earthwatch Wetlands Program Manager


  • Protecting Wetlands for the Future case study 1: Inspiring the next generation of mangrove champions

  • Protecting Wetlands for the Future case study 2: Driving change with citizen data

  • An insight to plastic waste reduction efforts: What's preventing scale?



  • McLeod IM, Bourne DG, Ceccarelli DM, Bostrom-Einarsson L, Cook N, Fulton SE, Hancock B, Harrison P, Hein M, Le Port A, Paewai-Higgins R, Smith HA, Smith A (2021). Best practice coral restoration for the Great Barrier Reef: Synthesis of results. Report to the National Environmental Science Program. Reef and Rainforest Research Centre Limited, Cairns (46 pp.)

  • Hardesty, B. D., Roman, L., Duke, N. C., Mackenzie, J. R., & Wilcox, C. (2021). Abandoned, lost and discarded fishing gear ‘ghost nets’ are increasing through time in Northern Australia. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 173, 112959.


  • 10th Australian Stream Management Conference
    Jessica Walker Co-chaired the conference and was a co-author for paper:
    Russell, K., Reid, D., Miller, A., Vietz, G., Fryirs, K., Rutherfurd, I., Wood, A., Gregor, S., Slijkerman, J., Pearson, B., Walker, J., & Coker, M. (2021). A quarter-century of evolution in Australian stream management: trends and prospects. In WELCOME TO THE 10TH AUSTRALIAN STREAM MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE (p. 1)

  • Australian Science Teachers Association, CitScieOz21

    • ClimateWatch: from mobile phone to climate science – Luke Richards & Jessica Walker
    • Mangrove engagement to counter emissions – Jock Mackenzie, Norm Duke & Jessica Walker

  • Australian Mangrove and Saltmarsh Network Conference

    • Protecting tidal wetlands for the future – engaging future mangrove managers in mangrove citizen science and education – Terri Mulqueen, Jock Mackenzie & Norm Duke
    • Indicators of tidal wetland condition to inform Great Barrier Reef regional report cards using citizen science: Results from the GBRF Cairns and Far North Queensland MangroveWatch program 2018-2021 – Jock Mackenzie, C Tiger & Norm Duke
  • Cities with Nature webinar, run by ICLEI Oceania
    Let’s Scale Up! Urban Greening in the Private Realm: Engaging and Motivating Community, presented as part of the Living Melbourne Strategy Report by Cassandra Nichols

  • Connecting our World: Biometeorology 2021
    Garcia-Rjoas, M. I., Keatley, M. R., Roslan, N. (2021). Climate influences on the flowering of Jacaranda mimosifolia in urban environments. Featuring ClimateWatch

  • Online Workshop Attendance ‘End-User Research Needs for Coordinated Landscape-scale Coastal & Marine Ecosystem Restoration’ hosted by CSIRO 16 November 2021

  • Mitsubishi Development presentation to Minerals Council Australia, 17 November 2021

  • UN Oceandecade Conference presentation to United Nations, 16 September 2021


  • A leap of faith: Citizen scientists are teaming up with University of Newcastle researchers leading Australia’s effort to prevent the extinction of precious amphibians, Hippocampus Featuring Dr Mahony, Principal Investigator for “Australia’s Vanishing Frogs” program
  • Gardening Australia, Series 32 Episode 13 Featuring ClimateWatch uptake in a Tasmanian school
  • Radio Breakfast with Adam Steer, ABC Darwin Bush Blitz Groote Eylandt Expedition interview with Jessica Walker
  • The smartphone app helping in the fight against climate change, Particle Media Featuring ClimateWatch with Luke Richards
  • Gardeners, walkers and citizen scientists join nature data quest, ABC Ballarat Featuring ClimateWatch

Policy and other

  • Rapid Long Plot mangrove standing carbon stock data provided to the Australian Government Department of Industry, Science, Energy & Resources to inform mangrove blue carbon modelling supporting the development of a new Blue Carbon Emissions Reduction Fund method.
  • Informing Reef Management: Student collected data from Thomatis Creek has been incorporated into a report to the Wet Tropics Waterways Report Card contributing to improving Reef management.



  • Smith, HA, Pollock FJ, Conlan J, Francis D, Wada N, Shore A, Aeby GS, Willis BL, & Bourne DG (2020). Energy depletion and opportunistic microbial colonisation in white syndrome lesions from corals across the Indo-Pacific. Scientific Reports 10, 19990
  • O’Brien PA, Shangjin T, Yang C, Frade PR, Andreakis N, Smith HA, Miller DJ, Webster NS, Zhang G, & Bourne DG (2020). Diverse coral reef invertebrates exhibit patterns of phylosymbiosis. ISME J